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Showing posts from February, 2014

Learning From Gabriel ...

I had rough morning with Gabriel. I let my 6yo get the better of me. I know he isn't a morning person, and neither am I. I went out of the routine this morning and let him watch cartoons BEFORE he was ready to go. (at the time it seemed like a good idea, don't judge). Time caught up to us and then it was a mad dash to get everything ready only to realize we were ahead of schedule. That just made me more upset ... that I was upset and I had no real reason to be. UGH. I left without hugging and kissing him goodbye. I made it to the highway before God told me I should call him and wish him a happy day. I called, apologized for fussing at him and I hoped he would have a great day. What he said next has been on my mind alllll morning. He said "We had a rough morning because you forgot to come into my room and pray with me last night. You have to remember to pray with me. When you pray with me, I have a good day the next day." I don't take Gabr